It just happened… your spouse asked you for a divorce… your mind is racing and you are a bit panicked as to the next steps.
First – take a breath. You are about to venture into an area that you did not think that you were going to be when you said “I do”. Find the support system that you may need throughout this time – family, friends, etc.
Second – educate yourself. It is best to find an attorney who will offer a free consultation to discuss with you your rights in this process. Although Google is great for many things, learning your legal rights within a divorce proceeding it is not great for!
Third – protect yourself. Gather as much information regarding your marriage as you can – financial statements, income information, etc. The more you know about the issues within your marriage, the better you will be served throughout your divorce.
Here are Moody Family Law, PLLC, we understand that this is not the best time in your life and you likely did not think you would ever be in this situation. We will treat you as a whole person – not a legal problem – and try to get you through it as efficiently as possible while being the support you need. Take advantage of our free 30 minute consultations to learn how best we can help you though this time.
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